Aspire Estate Agents
38 Munbilla Cl, Mountain Creek
QLD 4557
t: (07) 5326 3022
f: 5478 0359

confirm that I have seen the property at on and wish to apply for the property. In filling out this application we accept and acknowledge that we take the property in its current condition and have completed this application form in full and attached a photocopy of all supporting documentation

With filling out this application form I give full consent to the use of email and facsimile in accordance with provisions set out in chapter 2 of the Electronic Transactions (Queensland) Act 2001 (Qld) and the Electronic Transactions Act 1999 (Cth).

Should Your Application Be Successful

Once you have been accepted for a property we will make an initial phone call to advise that your application has been successful and to arrange a time for you to come and sign the lease. In order to secure the property we require all individuals who will be on the lease to visit us within 24-48 hours of being approved so that we can stop advertising the property. Remember it is your responsibility to make time to attend the sign up, all applications must be present.

When you meet with us we will carefully explain the details of the lease including our expectations and obligations. As we need to explain all your tenancy details thoroughly, please allocate up to 45 minutes for your tenancy induction. We will also explain our zero tolerance policy for late rent payment, the bond lodgement process, action for emergency repairs and help to arrange payment methods through our Direct Debit payment system if necessary. At this point you will be required to sign the lease, pay two weeks rent in advance and pay the agreed bond amount (the equivalent of four weeks rent in most cases).

Please make all Bank Cheques/Money Orders out to Aspire Estate Agents. (WE DO NOT ACCEPT PERSONAL CHEQUES)

  • Once the commencement date of the tenancy has been agreed upon, this cannot be changed.
  • We are a CASHLESS office. Methods of payments options are, Internet, Bank Cheque and Australia Post Money Order.
  • We do not accept bond transfers, however Qld Housing Bond Loans will be accepted once approved.

I have read, understand and accept the information and terms above.



C. RESIDENCY DETAILS (If you currently own property, please provide a copy of your latest rates notice


E. PERSONAL REFERENCES (Please provide all 3 personal references)

F. EDUCATION / OCCUPATION (Complete where applicable - proof of income must be provided)

G. BUSINESS / WORK REFERENCES (Must be different to your payroll contact)

H. EMERGENCY CONTACT (That does not live with you)




I, confirm I have read the terms and conditions on the RTA website mailto: prior to filling out this section of my application.


Privacy Disclosure Statement

We are an independently owned and operated business. We are bound by the National Privacy Principles. We collect personal information about you in this form to assess your application for a residential tenancy. We may need to collect information about you from your previous landlords or letting agents, your current or previous employer and your referees. Your consent to us collecting this information is set out below. We may disclose personal information about you to the owner of the property to which this application relates. If this application is successful we may disclose your details to service providers relevant to the tenancy relationship including maintenance contractors and owner’s insurers. We may also send personal information about you to the owners of any other properties at your request. You have the right to access personal information that we hold about you by contacting Aspire Estate Agents on the numbers provided on this form. If you do not complete this form or do not sign the consent below then your application for a residential tenancy may not be considered by the owner of the relevant property or, if considered, may be rejected.


I the Applicant acknowledge that I have read the Privacy Disclosure Statement. I authorise Aspire Estate Agents to collect information about me from:

  1. My Previous letting agents and/or landlords;
  2. My personal, Business/Work/Employment & Emergency Referees
  3. Any Tenancy Default Database which may contain personal information about me. I also authorize the Agent to disclose details about any defaults by me under the tenancy to which this application relates to any tenancy default database to which it subscribes including Tenancy Information Centre of Australia (TICA), National Tenancy Database (NTD) and/or Trading Reference Australia (TRA).

I authorise Aspire Estate Agents to disclose the personal information collected about me to the owner of the property and to any third parties – valuers, contractors, sales people, insurance companies, bodies corporate, utilities companies such as gas, electricity, water connection, telephone connection, other agents and tenancy default databases.

I acknowledge that this application is subject to the approval of the owner. I declare that all information completed in this application is true and correct and given of my own free will. I declare that I have inspected the premises and am satisfied and accept the premises in its current condition.